Determination of borders of structure related to deep minerals based on potential field data in Ba Na area

  • Cơ quan:

    1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
    2 The Vietnam Geological Department, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • *Tác giả liên hệ:
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  • Nhận bài: 08-11-2023
  • Sửa xong: 28-02-2024
  • Chấp nhận: 15-07-2024
  • Ngày đăng: 01-08-2024
Trang: 54 - 66
Lượt xem: 1207
Lượt tải: 10
Yêu thích: , Số lượt: 0
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Tóm tắt:

This paper presents the research results of applying method two-dimensional energy filtering method in the «live window» to separate the high-frequency component of aeromagnetic data in order to eliminate residual flight line errors with amplitude ranges from -5÷5 nT and correct the data source before processing and analysis of data, identify potential field residual anomalies at depths h = 470 m, 1100 m, 1700 m, 2300 m. Application of the horizontal gradient of the vertical derivative of the potential field at various depths to determine the position of shallow fault systems, and determine the boundaries of local heterogeneous blocks related to the prospect of deep-hidden minerals at depths h = 470 m, 1100 m, 1700 m, 2300 m in Ba Na area. The results of the analysis of residual magnetic anomalies have built the distribution diagram of the shallow fault system buried by sediments and zoning the mineral prospect according to the potential anomaly in the study area. Fault system includes faults in sub-latitude, sub-longitude, and Northeast-Southwest directions, in which the sub-latitude fault system is dominant. The area of mineral prospect in Ba Na area to a depth h = 2300 m is determined by the maximum value of horizontal gradient vertical derivative of the closed loop residual gravity anomaly field with amplitude >0.007 mGal/m2, combined with residual gravity anomaly value, and location of mineral points have been revealed on the surface, prospective areas are mainly concentrated in the west, northwest, and southeast of the study area. The results of the analysis provided Geophysicists and Geologists with detailed research plans to evaluate specific types of minerals in the Ba Na area.

Trích dẫn
Hong Thi Phan, Thong Duy Kieu, Phuong Minh Do và Huu Van Tran, 2024. Determination of borders of structure related to deep minerals based on potential field data in Ba Na area, Tạp chí Khoa học kỹ thuật Mỏ - Địa chất, số 65, kỳ 4, tr. 54-66.
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