Non-structural traps in the post-rift succession of Phu Khanh Basin: Classification and Depositional History
  • Cơ quan:

    Vietnam Petroleum Institute, Vietnam

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  • Nhận bài: 01-02-2019
  • Sửa xong: 15-05-2019
  • Chấp nhận: 30-06-2019
  • Ngày đăng: 30-06-2019
Lượt xem: 2595
Lượt tải: 1241
Yêu thích: 5.0, Số lượt: 123
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Tóm tắt:

The Phu Khanh basin is a rifted continental margin basin that was formed by Paleogene rifting and subsequent post-rift subsidence. The basin is situated along the narrowest part of the Bien Dong Sea’s shelf and is characterized by a water depth ranging from a few tens of meters to abyssal depths towards the east. Oil and gas discovered from 2 wells 124- CMT-1X and 123-TH-1X are evident for approving petroleum system of the Phu Khanh basin. Besides structural play, non-structural play is also a potential reservoir. The Carbonates, Fans, Turbidities in the post-rift succession are prospective non-structural play. This play was formed in subsidence and sagging phase during the Miocene - Pliocene period as a resulted of increased sediment accumulation rates and transgression in the Phu Khanh Basin

Trích dẫn
Huyen Thu Nguyen, Cuong Duy Tong và Hieu Trung Nguyen, 2019. Non-structural traps in the post-rift succession of Phu Khanh Basin: Classification and Depositional History, Tạp chí Khoa học kỹ thuật Mỏ - Địa chất, số 60, kỳ 3.

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