The indirect adjustment method with conditions and the issue of processing specialized geodetic network data in engineering surveying

- Authors: Phuc Quang Nguyen 1, Huong Minh Thi Hoang 1
1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa ch
- Received: 7th-June-2015
- Revised: 14th-July-2015
- Accepted: 30th-July-2015
- Online: 30th-July-2015
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
The processing of specialized geodetic network data in engineering surveying requires ensuring two basic requirements: First, the network must be positioned within the same coordinate (or height) system that was selected in the previous stage. Second, the errors of the original data or movement (if any) of the original points are not allowed to exist in the adjustment results. To ensure the two this requirements, the most effective solution is to apply the indirect adjustment method with conditions to calculate network processing. Theoretical research and experimental calculations in this paper will clarify this issue.

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