Assessment the environmental status in Luc Yen District, Yen Bai Province using DPSIR framework
  • Affiliations:

    Khoa Môi trường, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam

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  • Received: 15th-June-2017
  • Revised: 20th-July-2017
  • Accepted: 31st-Aug-2017
  • Online: 30th-Aug-2017
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The Drivers - Pressures - States - Impacts - Responses (DPSIR) framework aims at describing the environmental problems by identifying the cause - effect relationships between the environment and various exploiting activities in Luc Yen. This framework is significantly important in selecting response factor. The response factor, integrated through adaptation and mitigation, will help to cope with the challenges posed by exploiting activities. Research results show as follows: Driver leading to exploiting activities in Luc Yen is economic development, resources use, population growth rate and large scale of mineral mines. Pressures are the exact way that exploiting activities in Luc Yen lead to changes in the state of the environment as production of solid waste in overloaded situation and the degradation of forest ecosystem, depletion of mineral resouces. The impact of mineral exploitation (mainly marble) on the environment expressed in two aspects as follows: about natural ecosystems, there are loss of ecological landscapes, loss of forest function, degradation of human health, and tourism development. The economic and social performance of society is to create more jobs whilst simultaneously improving the living conditions and infrastructure. The current response of Luc Yen area is the implementation of additional afforestation, striving to reach 68% of forest coverage by 2020; regional development and land-use plans formulation until 2020; the implementation of monitoring mineral exploitation activities and requesting companies to sign commitment on the environmental improvement and rehabilitation when the projects finished.

How to Cite
Nguyen, C.Thi, Nguyen, P., Nguyen, P.Quoc and Phan, H.Mai Thi 2017. Assessment the environmental status in Luc Yen District, Yen Bai Province using DPSIR framework (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 58, 4 (Aug, 2017).

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