Proposal of well data acquisition plan in production and development phase for Oligocene and Miocene reservoirs in Northeastern area of Malay - Tho Chu Basin

- Authors: Quy Ngoc Dang 1 *, Canh Viet Dao 1, Phong Duc Luong 1
1 Công ty Điều hành Dầu khí Phú Quốc, Việt Nam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Vỉa mỏng, điện trở phương vị, cộng hưởng từ hạt nhân, bất đẳng hướng điện trở suất, LSS, LWD, đo ĐVLGK trong quá trình khoan.
- Received: 26th-Jan-2017
- Revised: 19th-Feb-2017
- Accepted: 28th-June-2017
- Online: 28th-June-2017
- Section: Oil and Gas
The discovery of the gas fields in the Northeastern flank of the Kainozoi Malay - Tho Chu Basin, offshore Vietnam has quite complex geology characteristics. The reservoirs primarily deposited in fluvial-deltaic enviroment aging Oligocene to Miocene, comprising thousands of thin sandstones which restricted dynamic connectivity and compartmentalized by many faults systems, consequently the gas reserves per well are very limited. In order to develop these gas fields effectively and economically, it requires numerous slimhole producers with short time of drilling & completion and low cost. Therefore, well data acquisition plan must be optimized for minimizing well cost while preserving essential input parameters for improving perforation strategy for increasing production. The paper presents the key factors which are affected to petrophysical interpretation results, and then proposes the solutions to enhance the petrophysical interpretation results and the most optimized and applicable well data acquisition plan for production and development phase.

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