Determination method of the Zero‐height geopotential value W0Lc and different of surface between local geoid and global geoid EGM2008 at the zero‐height level using GPS/Leveling data

- Authors: Minh Le 1 *, Anh Tuan Nguyen 2
1 Hội Trắc Địa –Bản Đồ và Viễn Thám Việt Nam, Việt Nam;
2 Viện Khoa học Đo đạc Bản đồ, Việt Nam
- *Corresponding:minhle1410@gmail. com
- Received: 27th-Feb-2017
- Revised: 20th-Mar-2017
- Accepted: 28th-Apr-2017
- Online: 28th-Apr-2017
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
This article introduces a method to determine of the zero-height geopotential value W0lc and difference between local Geoid and global Geoid EGM 2008 at the zero - height level. The global geopotential Wo of the EGM2008 with GPS/leveling data of the local vertical networks of Vietnam is used to estimate W0lc and difference between their surfaces. The computation used some different error models for more accuracy of the obtained results. The optimal results were achieved as W0lc = 62636847, 465 m2/s2; δζ = 0, 865m.

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