Accuracy Improvement of Object Recognition for Establishment of Topographic Database from UAV Images
  • Affiliations:

    1 Khoa Trắc địa, Trường Đại học Tài nguyên và Môi trường Hà Nội, Việt Nam;
    2 Khoa Trắc địa - Bản đồ và Quản lý đất đai, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 28th-Sept-2016
  • Revised: 3rd-Jan-2017
  • Accepted: 28th-Feb-2017
  • Online: 28th-Feb-2017
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Several studies have been conducted on object recognition by using high spatial resolution remote sensing images, which have more than three spectral bands and using object‐oriented classification. However, using three bands (Red, Green, Blue) images derived from UAV is difficult to recognize an object based only on spectral information. This paper focuses on improving accuracy of object recognition from UAV images with digital height model (DHM). The study results showed that the overall accuracy of object recognition of three band UAV images has been increased significantly from 85,48% to 94,72% when the combination of spectral bands and digital height model was made.

How to Cite
Do, D.Van, Nguyen, M.Quang and Le, N.Thi 2017. Accuracy Improvement of Object Recognition for Establishment of Topographic Database from UAV Images (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 58, 1 (Feb, 2017).

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