Evaluation of cement factor’s variation in carbonate from logs data

- Authors: Bieu Duc Pham 1, Vinh Van Luu 1
1 Tổng công ty Thăm dò Khai thác Dầu khí (PVEP)
- Received: 21st-Dec-2014
- Revised: 19th-Jan-2015
- Accepted: 30th-Jan-2015
- Online: 30th-Jan-2015
- Section: Oil and Gas
In the sedimentary rocks that accumulate hydrocarbon, the carbonates are particularly important. They play a role as both reservoirs and seals. Based on the environment, grain size, particle cohesion (cement factor - m) and secondary alteration, rocks with different porosities are classified. This paper presents research methods, evaluation of cement factor’s variation between particles in carbonates from logs data and on the basis of the Archie equation, the variation of cement factor in each type of porosity is indicated. Approaching these methods, the authors had evaluated the variation of coefficient “m” based on the ALV1562 well data in the Maracaibo Lake of the Republic of Venezuela. The result of evaluation indicates the variation of “m” factor according to different types of porosity, optimizes hydrocarbon saturation factor and increases effective thickness of reservoir.

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