Research and proposal the configuration of the booster circuit in the grid connected solar cell system and MPPT simulation in the partially shaded conditions

- Authors: Minh Duc Nguyen 1*, Anh Viet Truong 2, Phi Hoang Le 2, Lan Thuy Thi Vu 3, Y Nhu Do 4, Chuong Trong Trinh 5
1 Institute of Energy Science - VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam
2 HCMC University of Technology and Educatio, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
3 Thai Binh University, Thai Binh,Vietnam
4 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
5 Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Received: 25th-Mar-2021
- Revised: 2nd-July-2021
- Accepted: 29th-July-2021
- Online: 31st-Aug-2021
- Section: Electro-Mechanics
This paper proposes a new turbocharger configuration that uses fewer semiconductor locks, fewer reactor coils, and a higher turbidity factor than conventional turbocharger configurations. This allows for easier control, less component loss, high efficiency, reduced circuit size and weight, and low cost. A booster circuit configuration with recommended neutral is required and is suitable for T-shaped and NPC 3-order inverters. In addition, the article also applies the maximum power point tracking algorithm for PV systems working in partially shaded conditions to improve the working efficiency of PV systems, to meet the requirements of the PV systems. grid-connected large capacity PV system.

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