Morphological characteristics of the southwest deep - depression East Sea region

  • Affiliations:

    1 Vietnam Union of Geological Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam
    2 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 25th-Mar-2021
  • Revised: 28th-June-2021
  • Accepted: 28th-July-2021
  • Online: 31st-Aug-2021
Pages: 29 - 37
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Morphological characteristics of the southwestern deep-depression East Sea have been defined based on the subdivision into co-origin surfaces. The results show that, the study area has 16 morphological units, including: Horizontal surface, slightly inclined surface, continental shelf accumulation, 200÷300 m depth; The surface is slightly inclined and wavy accumulates the outer shelf, 300÷700 m deep; Horizontal surface, abrasive, 500÷700 m (Guyot); Abrasive horizontal surface (Guyot), depth 1,300÷1,600 m; Abrasive horizontal surface (Guyot), depth -2,000 m; The surface of the ancient volcanic crest is distributed at different depths; Young volcanic surface, 1,200÷3,000 m deep; Wavy, accumulative plain, continental rise, 1,100÷1,800 m deep; Plain transport - accumulation plain, depth 1,100÷2,300 m; The smooth plain transports accumulates, depth 2,300÷3,000 m; The plain is divided by underground hills and mountains in the north, 2,000÷2,600 m deep; The plain is strongly dissected of underground mountains, 1,700÷2,600 m deep; Deep depression surface splits; Tectonic slope surface, continental slope 800÷1,400 m depth; Slope surface of the Northwestern underground mountain range 1,800÷2,600 m; Slope surface of the Southeastern underground mountain range 2000÷2900 m. Based on the morphological characteristics of the study area, field investigation, and analytical results allowed us to capture the potential areas of the Fe - Mn nodule and crust, namely: morphological units such as Guyot, young volcanic surface are supposed to be the prospect of the Fe - Mn crust while the deepwater surfaces demonstrate favorable place for Fe - Mn nodule can produce accumulation.

How to Cite
Dang, B.Van, Ngo, C.Kim Thi, Phan, B.Van, Nguyen, H.Huu, Bui, H.Vinh and Bui, H.Thu Thi 2021. Morphological characteristics of the southwest deep - depression East Sea region (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 62, 4 (Aug, 2021), 29-37. DOI:

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