Calculation of the exploited flow water in the T2ađg sediments at the wells Kien Khe, Hanam

- Authors: Binh Van Do 1*, Ha Kim Thi Tran 1, Hai Thi Do 1, Cuong Cao Do 1, Anh Lan Do 2, Nam Hoang 3, Thuy Van Ho 4
1 Environmental Department, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam; 2 Research center for Environmental Geology, Vietnam; 3 Mineral Department, General Department of Geology and Minerals of Vietnam, Vietnam.
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Received: 16th-Jan-2020
- Revised: 14th-Feb-2020
- Accepted: 29th-Apr-2020
- Online: 28th-Apr-2020
- Section: Environment
Groundwater wells in Triassic sediments of Dong Giao formation in Kien Khe, Hanam, include 6 wells in an area of 4 km2. To evaluate the ability of sustainable exploitation, meeting the demand of water supply, the scientific calculation is essential and necessary. This layer is rich in water, good quality, meeting large water supply requirements. However, if the regime and volume of exploited water cannot be determined, it may cause degradation, depletion, or change of water quality of the reservoir. In order to have a scientific basis for exploitation, we have conducted exploration with many types of work (field surveys, geophysical measurements, exploratory drilling, water absorption experiments, sampling analysis, calculation, synthesis of assessment, and design of exploitation). Calculation results show that the exploitation of 6 wells with the flow of 1,500 m3/day in the study area is reasonable, safe, meeting the requirements of both volume and quality for water supply and sustainable development.

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