Simulation of remote sensing satellite motion base on two line element sets for search and rescue at sea.
Nowadays, satellite remote sensing technology has been applied in many fields of socio-economic development, including search and rescue at sea. Systems with the integration of remote sensing satellite technology have made the search and rescue operations faster, more accurate and more efficient. With the search and rescue systems at sea, remote sensing satellite motion simulation is an important task. This helps the authorities to identify and select the appropriate remote sensing satellite image data source to assist in processing and zoning search and rescue at sea. However, in Vietnam, it is difficult to determine the satellite image data source for the search and rescue situations. Therefore, the research team built a remote sensing satellite motion simulation program based on two-line element data. This is the data source that has been used in astronomy research. This program will simulate satellite orbits in real time and at any time. The accuracy evaluation result of satellite orbit simulation have been compared with online remote sensing satellite tracking systems in the world. The research result show that the satellite orbit simulation has ensured accuracy.References
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