A design method for fully grouted rock bolt due to the reinforcement principle of rock masses

1 Văn phòng Chủ tịch nước;
2 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất;
3 Viện Khoa học Công nghệ mỏ
- Received: 7th-Dec-2011
- Revised: 14th-Jan-2012
- Accepted: 30th-Jan-2012
- Online: 30th-Jan-2012
- Section: Mining Engineering
Rockbolts are widely used as a tunnel support and are considered as an effective and economical means of supporting in varies conditions. Unfortunately, the coupling mechanism is still not very clearly at present. The design of rock bolt in tunnelling or other excavations is still empirical, and there are few methods to evaluate the bolting effect in most case. A new model for design of fully grouted rockbolts based on the principle of reinforcement capability of fully grouted rockbolts is suggested. Based on the received analytical solution for a symetrical boundary problem of a circular tunnel with grouted rockbolts a design method has been developed

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