Density-driven instability of miscible fluids in porous media with horizontal flow

- Authors: Truong Hung Trieu 1, Angilella R, J, 2, Oltean C, 3, Bues M, 3
1 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, VietNam;
2 Université de Caen - ESIX/LUSAC, France;
3 Université de Lorraine, France
- Received: 11st-May-2016
- Revised: 17th-June-2016
- Accepted: 30th-June-2016
- Online: 30th-June-2016
- Section: Oil and Gas
A linear stability analysis of uniform parallel flow superposed to a quasi-steady horizontal layer of solute is presented. It is shown that the plume is convectively unstable for the parameters considered here, and confirms the stabilizing effect of the longitudinal dispersivity or the destabilizing effect of the solute concentration, in agreement with previous experimental or numerical analyses.

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