Moving up the axis of the high-rise by optical plumbing instrument with combining GPS technology

- Authors: Ha Viet Nguyen 1
1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất
- Received: 5th-June-2014
- Revised: 20th-July-2014
- Accepted: 30th-July-2014
- Online: 30th-July-2014
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
The advent of GPS technology has opened up a new ability to move applications to high axle works in high-rise construction. However, if you only own the technology used to transfer axis will not work smoothly, as measured by GPS technology often requires more time and hinder the construction process with high speed. In the article the author refers to the combination of optical plumbing instrument with GPS technology to move the axes point works on the floor in the construction of tall buildings

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