Study method for using safe non-electrocal delay detonatorsis to underground coal mines in QuangNinh area

- Authors: Hung Nhu Le 1, Thao Xuan Thi Du 1, Quang Van Nguyen 1, Thinh Van Nguyen 1, Hung Viet Nong 2, Thang Hung Hoang 3, Thanh Dinh Bui 4
1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất Hà Nội;
2 Viện Khoa học Công nghệ mỏ - Vinacomin;
3 Trường Đại học Công nghiệp Quảng Ninh;
4 Công ty than Quang Hanh – Vinacomin
- Received: 20th-June-2013
- Revised: 16th-July-2013
- Accepted: 30th-July-2013
- Online: 30th-July-2013
- Section: Mining Engineering
To meet the requirements for the 5 years plan 2010 to 2015, prospects for 2025, contributing to ensuring national energy security, when exploting the mines to play special attention to applying metod using safe non-electrocal delay detonatorsis is the main one for breaking rock and coal. The paper represent metod using safe non-electrocal delay detonatorsis to undeground coal mines in Quangninh area. Application of research results will bring economic benefits and great technique for underground coal mining industry

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