Determination of gravity anomaly and height anomalies from results of the GOCE satellite gravity gradiometry in the Vietnam

- Authors: Sang Van Nguyen 1
1 Đại học Mỏ - Địa Chất
- Received: 4th-Mar-2013
- Revised: 19th-Apr-2013
- Accepted: 30th-Apr-2013
- Online: 30th-Apr-2013
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
This paper presents the method of determination of gravity anomalies and height anomalies from the results of the GOCE satellite gravity gradiometry. The results of the GOCE gravity gradiometry are used to calculate the harmonic coefficients of the gravity model GO_CONS_EGM_DIR_2I. Then gravity anomalies and height anomalies are calculated from these coefficients. The experimental results in Vietnam are represented in the form of the grid 3' x 3'. This height anomalies are also compared to GPS leveling measurements at the 211 points. The comparing results show that height anomalies computed from the results of the GOCE satellite gravity gradiometry has standard deviation of 0.328 m

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