A study on identifying and analyzing road traffic incident hotspots on National Highway 1A, Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam, employing Statistical and GIS Techniques

1 Campus in Ho Chi Minh City, University of Transport and Communications, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Getis-Ord Gi*, Hotspot, Kernel density estimation, Road traffic incident, Spatial autocorrelation.
- Received: 29th-May-2024
- Revised: 17th-Sept-2024
- Accepted: 9th-Oct-2024
- Online: 1st-Dec-2024
- Section: Environment
The study focuses on the prevalence of road traffic accidents in Vietnam, particularly along national highways, which are frequent and severe. Specifically, it examines National Highway 1A passing through Thanh Hoa province, utilizing statistics and geographic information systems (GIS) to identify high-risk areas. Data from road traffic incidents spanning from 2020÷2023 were used to analyze spatial autocorrelation, kernel density estimation (KDE), and Getis-Ord Gi* hotspot analysis. Spatial autocorrelation assessed the autocorrelation of incidents, while KDE visualized hotspot clusters. Meanwhile, Getis-Ord Gi* hotspot analysis determined the statistical significance of incident hotspot locations. The analysis revealed a higher concentration of hotspots in the northern section of the national highway compared to the southern section. Notably, the section passing through Thanh Hoa city center, Hau Loc, and Hoang Hoa districts exhibited very high traffic density. Hotspots identified through Getis-Ord Gi* statistics aligned with those detected using KDE. Furthermore, several hotspots were concentrated at bends in the national highway, often lacking warning signs despite high traffic density. The study’s findings serve as valuable references for authorities, enabling them to implement timely intervention measures such as infrastructure improvements or enhanced law enforcement to address issues and provide warnings regarding road traffic incident risks.

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