Research and complete the processing technology of Son La oxide copper ores for the Tay Bac Minerals Joint Stock Company

  • Affiliations:

    National Institute of Mining - Metallurgy science and technology, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 18th-Jan-2021
  • Revised: 9th-May-2021
  • Accepted: 11st-June-2021
  • Online: 20th-July-2021
Pages: 22 - 29
Views: 2596
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The copper ore processing plant of the Tay Bac Minerals Joint Stock Company has been designed and operated to produce metallic copper from copper sulphide ores and copper oxide ores in Son La province. Copper sulphide ores are processed to produce copper concentrates with content of more than 20% Cu for the next processing stage, while copper oxide ores, with average content of 1÷3% Cu and after grinding, are fed directly into hydrometallurgical processes to extract copper. However, this process requires large amount of chemicals. Therefore, the economic efficiency is not high. The National Institute of Mining - Metallurgy Science & Technology has researched and proposed a reasonable technology process for Son La copper oxide ores for solving difficulties and perfecting the processing technology at the plant that improves economic efficiency and minimizes environmental pollutions. This report presents results of the experimental production research project with the code CNKK.013.19, implemented by the Institute of Materials Science and sponsored by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

How to Cite
Tran, H.Thi and Pham, P.Duc 2021. Research and complete the processing technology of Son La oxide copper ores for the Tay Bac Minerals Joint Stock Company (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 62, 3b (Jul, 2021), 22-29. DOI:

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