Study on the wear mechanisms and rock destruction of core surface set bit in drilling for solid mineral exploration

- Authors: Thao Xuan Nguyen 1*, Tuan Tran Nguyen 2, Nam Van Le 2
1 Institute of Drilling Technology , Hanoi, Vietnam
2 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Công nghệ khoan, Mòn và ma sát, Mũi khoan kim cương.
- Received: 18th-Feb-2021
- Revised: 25th-May-2021
- Accepted: 12th-June-2021
- Online: 10th-July-2021
- Section: Oil and Gas
In this paper, the authors present some research results of wearing process and rock destruction by diamond grit of core bit depending on drilling regime, rock hardness, diamond grit strength, etc. through the simulation of the interaction effect between diamond grit attached to the core bit and the rock. The relationship of the wear rate and rate of penetration of diamond core bit to the rotation per minute has been tested. On the basis of the research results, the authors have proposed solutions to select the appropriate technology for diamond drilling to improve the efficiency of solid mineral exploration in Vietnam.

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