Research on identifying types of environmental conflicts in mineral activities in Lao Cai province and propose solutions to sustainable development

  • Affiliations:

    Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Hanoi, Vietnam

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    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 18th-Nov-2020
  • Revised: 9th-Mar-2021
  • Accepted: 31st-Mar-2021
  • Online: 30th-Apr-2021
Pages: 87 - 97
Views: 2340
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The article shows some results about establishes types of environmental conflicts in mineral activities base on applying a combination of analytical methods, document synthesis, investigation methods, statistics, community interviews and expert opinion. In Lao Cai province, there are many mineral resources such as copper, iron, apatite, kaolines - felsspat, limestone, clay, sand, gravel, etc., being exploited. Mining projects often use large amount of land areas. The process of mining and processing are polluting more and more seriously day by day. This is the main cause leading to environmental conflicts in study areas. The research results have evaluated and identified the types of environmental conflicts relating to mineral exploitation activities in Lao Cai province. They consist of conflict between mineral exploitation and natural environment (water, air); conflict between mineral exploitation and other natural resources (land, forest, etc.); conflict among social interest groups. Besides, we have proposed general and specific solutions to prevent and minimize the harmful effects of environmental conflics for sustainable development suitable to the socio - economic conditions of Lao Cai province.

How to Cite
Nguyen, P., Nguyen, D.Phuong and Nguyen, C.Thi 2021. Research on identifying types of environmental conflicts in mineral activities in Lao Cai province and propose solutions to sustainable development (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 62, 2 (Apr, 2021), 87-97. DOI:

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