Determination of time synchronization corrections to pseudoranges based on orbital parameters and approximate position of receiver antenna
  • Affiliations:

    1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất;
    2 Trường Cao đẳng Bách khoa Viêng Chăn (CHDCND Lào);
    3 Đoàn đo đạc biên vẽ hải đồ và NC biển (BTL Hải quân)

  • Received: 5th-Dec-2012
  • Revised: 11st-Jan-2013
  • Accepted: 30th-Jan-2013
  • Online: 30th-Jan-2013
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For absolute (point) positioning computation by pseudorange, determination of derivation with respect to time of topocentric ranges ( ) are necessary for calculation of time synchronization corrections. Usually, this value is computed based on Doppler observations. This report, are introduced a method for computation using instantaneous value of orbital parameters and approximate coordinates of receiver antena

How to Cite
Dang, C.Nam, Konexana, Y. and Khuong, L.Van 2013. Determination of time synchronization corrections to pseudoranges based on orbital parameters and approximate position of receiver antenna (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 41 (Jan, 2013).

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