Study on Ability of Ulstrasonic in Determining Joints in Dimension Stone Blocks

1 Faculty of Mining, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
2 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Received: 6th-Sept-2020
- Revised: 30th-Sept-2020
- Accepted: 10th-Oct-2020
- Online: 15th-Oct-2020
- Section: Mining Engineering
Ulstrasonic has been popularly applied in more practical sectors, contributing to assess any issues, such as non-homogeneous, defects, without direct measures. One of these applications is for solid materials, such as rock. With the characteristics and abilities of ulstrasonic, as well as dimension stone characteristics, the author studied the applied ability of this wave in dimension stone quarrying. Particularly, this is determining joints in stone blocks before delivering to the processing plant. Basing on researching the character, size, rock mechanics of stone bocks and ulstrasonic features, its work capability, principle of None-Destructive Testing device (NDT), the paper shows that measure method by ulstrasonic could exactly and reliably estimate joints in stone block. From ulstrasonic feature of transfering around avoid instead of not transfering through it, the method is released to navigate position, size and shape of joints in stone blocks.

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