Modelisation of fractured rock mass for open pit mining in Vietnam

- Authors: Tuan Anh Nguyen 1*, Viet Van Pham 1, Nam Xuan Bui 1, Hoa Thu Thi Le 1, Hai Thi Le 1, Bao Dinh Tran 1, Hanh Minh Thi Le 1,2
1 Mining Faculty, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
2 Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Fractured rock mass, Open-pit mine, Modelling, Vietnam.
- Received: 8th-Sept-2020
- Revised: 24th-Sept-2020
- Accepted: 10th-Oct-2020
- Online: 15th-Oct-2020
- Section: Mining Engineering
In open pit mining, besides the value of the minerals obtained, the cost of waste rock removal determines the efficiency of the mining operation. The paper introduces the rock mass data processing method and modelisation of fractured rock mass to serve the optimal calculation of technological stages in mining. This code is a discrete fracture network (DFN) code that couple geometrical block system construction based on modelisation stochastic with RESOBLOK simulations. The method of three-dimensional modeling (3D) of the fractured rock mass in the quarry is based on the rock mass data, the geometrical parameters of the open pit mine. From there, the rock mass simulation models were used in the analysis of the stability analysis of open pit benches, the optimization of the blast design parameters at overburden benches, project construction materials, and technology projects for block stone extraction. An application in some open pit mines such as quarries of Vietnam is presented.

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