Study on establishing a mining group of deposit and an exploration grid pattern for lead - zinc ore in Ban Lim area, Cao Bang province

  • Affiliations:

    1 Faculty of Geosciences and Geoengineering, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam 2 Dong Bac Geological Division, Cach Mang Thang Tam road, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 5th-Feb-2020
  • Revised: 26th-May-2020
  • Accepted: 30th-June-2020
  • Online: 28th-June-2020
Pages: 38 - 50
Views: 3434
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Ban Lim area in Cao Bang province has proposed a high potential of lead-zinc resources, which have occurred in different rocks of geological formation. The paper-based on collecting, synthesizing, and geological processing data. In addition, mathematical methods were also applied to recognize studied objects of the exploration process using a quantitative description. The results how that the lead-zinc orebodies in Ban Lim area mainly occurred in lens-shaped and distributed in layered surfaces of the dolomitized limestone of Coc Xo formation. The average lead-zinc content of the orebodies is in a range from 3.27% to 8.33%; its coefficient of variation (Vc) is in a range from 13.71% (evenly) to 137.92% (very unevenly). Generally, the lead-zinc contents of the orebodies in Ban Lim area mainly comply with the standard normal distribution. The average thicknesses of the orebodies are in a range from 0.92 m to 6.48 m, its coefficient of variation (Vm) is in the range from 8.7% (stable) to 132.95% (very unstable). Quantitative calculation results have shown that Ban Lim lead-zinc deposit belongs to group III of deposits. For the exploration of this type of minerals, it is recommended to use a linear grid pattern. Appropriate exploration grid pattern for the 122 category reserve is (60÷80) m × (30÷40) m. These calculated results are well- documented foundations that allow suggesting a mining group of deposit and an exploration grid pattern for lead-zinc ore in Ban Lim area and other lead-zinc deposits occurring in similar geological settings.

How to Cite
Luong, K.Quang, Khuong, H.The, Nguyen, T.Van and Le, T.Thi 2020. Study on establishing a mining group of deposit and an exploration grid pattern for lead - zinc ore in Ban Lim area, Cao Bang province. Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 61, 3 (Jun, 2020), 38-50. DOI:

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