Study on the effects of some parameters on the flotation performance of Vang Danh coal fines -0.3 mm in the reflux flotation cell

- Authors: Dung Kim Thi Nhu *, Son Hoang Nguyen, Chinh Thi Vu, Duoc Van Tran
Faculty of Mining, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Clean coal, Flotation column, Flotation froth, Froth washing.
- Received: 25th-Jan-2020
- Revised: 29th-Feb-2020
- Accepted: 29th-Apr-2020
- Online: 28th-Apr-2020
- Section: Mining Engineering
In the world, the coal fines usually are upgraded in flotation columns (Jameson, Pneufloat, Microcell,...). The reflux flotation cell is a novel type of flotation column that uses a system of inclined channels to enhance bubble - liquid segregation in flotation. Additionally, in this type of device, it is used a special froth washing mechanism with pressurized water to ameliorate the quality of cleaned coals. This type of device has a simple structure, high capacity and allows to receive cleaned coals of high quality. This paper presents the test results of coal fines samples -0,3mm from Vang Danh Mine by flotation in a laboratory Reflux flotation cell. In the test works, some process parameters are investigated and optimized: flotation time, pulp density, feed rate, froth height, wash water, and flotation reagents regime.

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