The diagenesis characteristics of the Tri Ton carbonate formation in the southern Song Hong basin

1 Khoa Dầu khí, Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất, Việt Nam;
2 Viện Địa chất và Địa vật lý biển, Viện Hàn lâm Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam, Việt Nam;
3 Liên đoàn vật lý địa chất, Tổng cục địa chất và khoáng sản Việt Nam, Việt Nam
- *Corresponding:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Keywords: Võng Hà Nội, Móng Moho, Dị thường trọng lực, Bề dày vỏ Trái Đất
- Received: 15th-Aug-2017
- Revised: 18th-Oct-2017
- Accepted: 30th-Oct-2017
- Online: 30th-Oct-2017
- Section: Oil and Gas
Carbonate build-up of Tri Ton Formation is one of the most important targets in exploration in the South part of Song Hong Basin. This paper is to discuss in more detail carbonate’s diagenesis processes including: compaction, fracturing, cementation, calcitezation, dolomitization, pyritezation, quartzation, karst, dissolution and precipitation with the aim of clarifying carbonate reservoir properties and their impacts on porosity and permeability based on studying of thin sections and cores combined with well log data in the studying area. Tri Ton carbonate was experienced three stages of diagenesis: the marine realm soon after deposition, then the diagenesis in meteoric and vadose zone and finally diagenesis in deeply burial environment, each individual stage correspond to typical diagenesis processes.

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