Establishing analytic algorithm for amateur cameras’ images

- Authors: Tri Dinh Tran 1, Ha Thanh Tran 1, Hoa Thi Nguyen 2
1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất;
2 Công ty CP Tư vấn xây dựng Điện I
- Received: 18th-Aug-2014
- Revised: 11st-Oct-2014
- Accepted: 30th-Oct-2014
- Online: 30th-Oct-2014
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
Besides current common satellite images, we can exploit other sources which contain huge of worthy informations, such as photographs taken on the ground (with attached GPS device, images from aircraft, and especially the images of the unmanned helicopters. Due to the lack of the technical parameters, such as focal length, frame line, the coordinates of the image... these images have not been milked and utilized effectively in mapping and terrain object researches. Hence, it is necessary to construct pertinent algorithms for analytical image measurement. Based on analytical image processing methods and transformation of equation of image coordinate measurement, the article proposes the algorithm and it’s program which uses distance function to determine the coordinates of points on 3 samples of photos. Experimental evaluation shows that the accuracy of the result is in allowing, in addition, it reduces the number of variables in the equation.

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