Identification of inundated area by debris flow using LAHARZ model - A case study in the Trong La catchment in Ho Bon, Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai

  • Affiliations:

    1 Institute of Geological Science - Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
    2 Ministry of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
    3 The Vietnam Geological Department, Hanoi, Vietnam

  • *Corresponding:
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Received: 30th-Nov--000
  • Revised: 29th-Dec-2024
  • Accepted: 8th-Jan-2025
  • Online: 1st-Feb-2025
Pages: 31 - 42
Views: 118
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Debris flow is one of the most common geological disasters in Vietnam, occurring in mountainous areas and causing catastrophic impacts on both the economy and human lives. This article shows the results of a debris flow simulation that took place on August 5, 2023, in Trong La village, Ho Bon commune, Mu Cang Chai district, Yen Bai province, through an empirical model called LAHARZ and digital elevation model (DEM). The debris flow also was assessed for damage to the built-up area. The LAHARZ model is based on empirical equations that were derived from historical debris flood statistics. The equations include A = 0.05 V^(2⁄3) and B = 200 V^(2⁄3), in which A is the cross-sectional area, B is the planimetric area, and V is the volume. This study uses drone images and digital elevation model with 0.5m spatial resolution, which were created on August 12, 2023, by using the Phantom 3 Professional drone. The debris flow's source area is roughly 78104 m2, corresponding to a volume of 8,000÷10,000 m3. For this reason, the LAHARZ model is simulated with volumes of 5,000; 8,000; 10,000; 15,000 and 20,000 m3. LAHARZ simulation results were validated by comparing them to field survey evidence. The result shows that the model results are quite similar to the actual inundated area with TPR and TS values ​​being 0.717 and 65.9%, respectively. This study also demonstrates that the false irregular edges in the delineated inundation zones supposedly originated because of a lack of DEM accuracy. The LAHARZ model simulation has many advantages in terms of time and the few parameters used, which enable rapid evaluation of debris flow scenarios.

How to Cite
Tran, H.Trung, Pham, T.Van, Nguyen, Q.Cong, Tran, C.Quoc, Pham, H.Thanh, Chu, D.Van, Nguyen, T.Trung, Nguyen, A.Duc and Bui, T.Phuong 2025. Identification of inundated area by debris flow using LAHARZ model - A case study in the Trong La catchment in Ho Bon, Mu Cang Chai, Yen Bai (in Vietnamese). Journal of Mining and Earth Sciences. 66, 1 (Feb, 2025), 31-42. DOI:

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