Determination of time synchronization corrections to pseudoranges based on orbital parameters and approximate position of receiver antenna

1 Trường Đại học Mỏ - Địa chất;
2 Trường Cao đẳng Bách khoa Viêng Chăn (CHDCND Lào);
3 Đoàn đo đạc biên vẽ hải đồ và NC biển (BTL Hải quân)
- Received: 5th-Dec-2012
- Revised: 11st-Jan-2013
- Accepted: 30th-Jan-2013
- Online: 30th-Jan-2013
- Section: Geomatics and Land Administration
For absolute (point) positioning computation by pseudorange, determination of derivation with respect to time of topocentric ranges ( ) are necessary for calculation of time synchronization corrections. Usually, this value is computed based on Doppler observations. This report, are introduced a method for computation using instantaneous value of orbital parameters and approximate coordinates of receiver antena

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